Homebased Russian Speaking Customer Service Advisors - Translation related
Personalbeschaffung und Rekrutierung
vor 6 Tagen
Datum der Veröffentlichungvor 6 Tagen
Einstieg / JuniorMindestniveau
Einstieg / JuniorÜbersetzen und DolmetschenStellenkategorie
Übersetzen und Dolmetschennull
Persönliche EA-Registrierungs-Nr.null
Homebased Russian Speaking Customer Service Advisors
Lisbon, Portugal.
€1225 per month gross
Our client is recruitiing for Homebased Russian Customer Service advisors..
Candidates should speak fluent Russian and have a general interest in translations.
Candidates must already be based in Portugal and have full time work permission in Portugal, these roles can be carried out anywhere within Portugal Mainland.
These roles are initially for a 12 month contract.
Homebased Russian Speaking Customer Service Advisors - Translation related
vor 6 Tagen
Einstieg / Junior