Customer Service Representative with Russian (m/f/d)
Kundenservice / Callcenter
vor 15 Tagen
Datum der Veröffentlichungvor 15 Tagen
Callcenter / KundenbetreuungStellenkategorie
Callcenter / KundenbetreuungDescription and Requirements
Your benefits:
Your responsibilities:
Your skills:
Join Us and Be the Voice that Drives Success!
Join Us and Be the Voice that Drives Success!
We are looking forward to your informative application. Our recruiting team will gladly answer all your questions at +371 63 99 5106
Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar krievu valodas zināšanām
Tavi ieguvumi:
Tavi pienākumi:
Tavas prasmes:
Pievienojies mūsu komandai un nodrošini uzņēmumam panākumus!
Mēs ar nepacietību gaidīsim jūsu pieteikumu. Mūsu personāla atlases komanda labprāt atbildēs uz visiem jautājumiem pa tālruni +371 63 99 5106
Additional Job Description
Are you looking to develop your career and take on larger responsibilities in an exciting environment and dynamically growing company?
Then join our team and help us to ensure excellent service standards while making a difference in the world!
Vai vēlies attīstīt savu karjeru un uzņemties lielākus pienākumus aizraujošā un dinamiski augošā uzņēmumā?
Tad pievienojies mūsu komandai, lai palīdzētu nodrošināt izcilus servisa standartus, mainot pasauli!
Language Reference Russian English
EEO Statement
At TELUS Digital, we enable customer experience innovation through spirited teamwork, agile thinking, and a caring culture that puts customers first. TELUS Digital is the global arm of TELUS Corporation, one of the largest telecommunications service providers in Canada. We deliver contact center and business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions to some of the world's largest corporations in the consumer electronics, finance, telecommunications and utilities sectors. With global call center delivery capabilities, our multi-shore, multi-language programs offer safe, secure infrastructure, value-based pricing, skills-based resources and exceptional customer service - all backed by TELUS, our multi-billion dollar telecommunications parent.
Equal Opportunity Employer
At TELUS Digital, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. All aspects of employment, including the decision to hire and promote, are based on applicants' qualifications, merits, competence and performance without regard to any characteristic related to diversity.
Your benefits:
- Competitive Salary: Starting from EUR 1,380 gross.
- Bonuses: Enjoy appealing bonuses for weekend and public holiday work. Plus, performance-based bonuses after 3 months of employment.
- Comprehensive Training: A fully paid training period will set you up for success .
- Health Coverage: Private health insurance after 3 months of probation, including access to fitness centers and mental health support services.
- Modern Workspace: Work in a great office in Jaunā Teika, featuring modern workspaces.
- Dynamic Environment: Join a multicultural team with flat hierarchies and a first-name workplace culture.
- Well-being Perks: Regular fruit deliveries, free drinks, and a positive working environment.
- Employee Discounts: Access exclusive discounts with fitness centers, restaurants, and more.
- Team Spirit: Participate in social gatherings, sports events, team-building activities. R eceive a bonus for referring new employees .
- Career Development & Growth Opportunities: Access our Career Academy for ongoing personal and professional growth.
Your responsibilities:
- Client Understanding: Grasp the advertiser's profiles, needs, and expectations to provide tailored solutions.
- Expert Support: Answer advertisers' questions with professional advice, guiding them to success.
- Business Impact: Play a crucial role in helping achieve the company's business targets.
- Customer Satisfaction: Engage in end-user support through outbound phone, email, and other channels to ensure exceptional customer service.
Your skills:
- Language Proficiency: Excellent communication skills in both Russian and English, written and verbal.
- Customer Service Experience: Prior experience in Customer Service, preferably in B2C or B2B environments.
- Problem-Solving Abilities: Demonstrated capability to effectively tackle and resolve challenges.
- Professional Approach: A solutions-driven mindset and a genuine passion for helping customers.
- Marketing Knowledge: Experience in online advertising is a significant plus. Education or experience in online sales or marketing is highly valued.
- Eagerness to Learn: Passionate about continuous learning and research.
- Eligibility: EU citizenship or Latvian Residence Permit is required.
Join Us and Be the Voice that Drives Success!
Join Us and Be the Voice that Drives Success!
We are looking forward to your informative application. Our recruiting team will gladly answer all your questions at +371 63 99 5106
Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar krievu valodas zināšanām
Tavi ieguvumi:
- Konkurētspējīgs atalgojums: Sākot no 1,380 EUR bruto.
- Bonusi: Izbaudi pievilcīgus bonusus par darbu nedēļas nogalēs un valsts svētku dienās. Plus, rezultātos balstīts bonuss pēc 3 mēnešu darba.
- Visaptverošas apmācības: Pilnībā apmaksāts apmācību periods, kas nodrošinās Tavu veiksmi.
- Veselības apdrošināšana: Privāta veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika, kas iekļauj fitnesa centra un mentālās veselības atbalsta pakalpojumus.
- Mūsdienīga darba vide: Darbs lieliskā birojā Jaunajā Teikā ar mūsdienīgām darba telpām.
- Dinamiska vide: Pievienojies multikulturālai komandai ar plakanu organizatorisko struktūru un darba kultūru, kurā visi uzrunā viens otru vārdā.
- Labbūtības priekšrocības: Regulāras augļu piegādes, bezmaksas dzērieni un pozitīva darba vide.
- Darbinieku atlaides: Piekļūsti ekskluzīvām atlaidēm fitnesa centros, restorānos un citur.
- Komandas gars: Piedalies sociālajās un sporta aktivitātēs kā arī komandas saliedēšanas pasākumos. Saņem bonusu par jaunu darbinieku ieteikumiem.
- Karjeras attīstības un izaugsmes iespējas: Pieeja Karjeras akadēmijai nepārtrauktai personīgai un profesionālai izaugsmei.
Tavi pienākumi:
- Klienta izpratne: Izproti reklāmdevēju profilus, vajadzības un cerības, lai piedāvātu pielāgotus risinājumus.
- Ekspertu atbalsts: Sniedz reklāmdevējiem profesionālus padomus un palīdzību, lai viņi gūtu panākumus.
- Biznesa ietekme: Ieņem svarīgu lomu uzņēmuma biznesa mērķu sasniegšanā.
- Klientu apmierinātība: Nodrošini augstākās kvalitātes klientu apkalpošanu, izmantojot tālruni, e-pastu un citus kanālus.
Tavas prasmes:
- Valodu zināšanas: Teicamas komunikācijas prasmes gan krievu, gan angļu valodā, gan rakstiski, gan mutiski.
- Klientu apkalpošanas pieredze: Iepriekšēja pieredze klientu apkalpošanā, vēlams B2C vai B2B vidē.
- Problēmu risināšanas spējas: Spēja efektīvi tikt galā ar problēmām un izaicinājumiem.
- Profesionāla pieeja: Uz risinājumu vērsts domāšanas veids un patiesa vēlme palīdzēt klientiem.
- Mārketinga zināšanas: Pieredze tiešsaistes reklāmas jomā ir liela priekšrocība. Izglītība vai pieredze tiešsaistes pārdošanā vai mārketingā tiks ļoti novērtēta.
- Vēlme mācīties: Aizrautība nepārtraukti mācīties un izpētīt.
- Atbilstība: Nepieciešama ES pilsonība vai darba atļauja Latvijā.
Pievienojies mūsu komandai un nodrošini uzņēmumam panākumus!
Mēs ar nepacietību gaidīsim jūsu pieteikumu. Mūsu personāla atlases komanda labprāt atbildēs uz visiem jautājumiem pa tālruni +371 63 99 5106
Additional Job Description
Are you looking to develop your career and take on larger responsibilities in an exciting environment and dynamically growing company?
Then join our team and help us to ensure excellent service standards while making a difference in the world!
Vai vēlies attīstīt savu karjeru un uzņemties lielākus pienākumus aizraujošā un dinamiski augošā uzņēmumā?
Tad pievienojies mūsu komandai, lai palīdzētu nodrošināt izcilus servisa standartus, mainot pasauli!
Language Reference Russian English
EEO Statement
At TELUS Digital, we enable customer experience innovation through spirited teamwork, agile thinking, and a caring culture that puts customers first. TELUS Digital is the global arm of TELUS Corporation, one of the largest telecommunications service providers in Canada. We deliver contact center and business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions to some of the world's largest corporations in the consumer electronics, finance, telecommunications and utilities sectors. With global call center delivery capabilities, our multi-shore, multi-language programs offer safe, secure infrastructure, value-based pricing, skills-based resources and exceptional customer service - all backed by TELUS, our multi-billion dollar telecommunications parent.
Equal Opportunity Employer
At TELUS Digital, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. All aspects of employment, including the decision to hire and promote, are based on applicants' qualifications, merits, competence and performance without regard to any characteristic related to diversity.